

Chinese to c旦揣测废爻肚诧莎超极ross the road is very dangerous some people。。。。and some people。。。。。


“中国式过马路”折射什么心态 明知违反公共约定,但心里“冻结”了是非,只看那点儿小利益、小方便,背后是庸俗后果论在作祟 微博上最近流行一个段子,调侃国人集体闯红灯的陋习:“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”并美其名曰:“中国式过马路。”转发此段子的人不少,有网友还加上自己的感慨:嚯!这是过马路啊,还是过景阳冈啊?靠人多硬拦汽车,忒不文明!感慨归感慨,仔细一想,还真让这段子说准了。平常我们过马路时,这样的过法确实不鲜见。有一两个身影老老实实等变灯,还被同伴责骂:快点儿,别傻等了!许多时候,我们自己下意识也就随大流走了,一抬头:哎,这不红灯吗?我怎么过来了?怎么会建立起这种“集体无意识”呢?说大一点儿,这跟我们的抉择偏好有关系。为人们的抉择提供参考的尺子,大致有两把:一把叫后果论,一把叫原则论。后果论,简单说,就是预判行为的后果,有利则行,有害则止,趋利避害。好比说躺着看书有害视力,老低头坐着对颈椎不好,那就别这么干;适当的锻炼有利健康,那就坚持。原则论,则是做事情前先对照某种原则或是社会的某种约定,或是心中的道德律令,合则为,不合则不为,不管行为会产生什么具体后果。孔子说“不义而富且贵,于我如浮云”,不合准则,不干。按照现代话说,违反程序正义,即便会取得好的实际效果,也不对。这两把尺子,各有其适用领域,并无优劣之分。有时候,人们是两把尺子一起用,融合并济,利义兼得。我们需要警惕的是僵死的原则论和庸俗的后果论。庸俗的后果论,就是压根儿不问是非,不讲规矩,只言利害,甚至只看到眼前的蝇头小利,或者自己的小方便,就毫无顾忌,抛弃规则。这种抉择偏好,在我们日常生活的细节方面,体现得尤为突出。高空抛物、践踏花草、无视红灯过马路……种种陋习,背后都有庸俗后果论的影子。其实质都是:明知违反公共约定,这么干是不对的,但心里“冻结”了原则,只看后果逮着了,后果也不严重嘛。为了消解心中的不安,还常用“人家都这么干的”来做挡箭牌。 有人说,是不是可以加大对行人闯红灯的处罚呢?单从后果角度着手,行人闯个红灯,能罚到什么程度?再者说,处罚就得设执行者,生活的每个角落都得管起来,那需要多高的社会成本?建立是非观、规则意识,才是与现代文明接榫的正路啊。


Red light, you can stop
Yellow light ,you can wait
Gree light, you can go across, 可以再写详细些


crossing road in chinese way with the rapid development of the city,there are more and more junctions with the traffic signal appeared.then follow the traffic rules is behoove.but the way chinese cross road is thoughtful. in some chinese cities,when there are not many cars,the pedestrian would cross the road regardless of the signal is red or green. in my opinion,this phenomenon is so dangerous that should be banned.following the traffic rules not only is law,but also is as proof of conscious. there may have different reason in different people.probably they would be next day,we should get out early.some people say since there is no car,so they cross out.for our safety,please wait a minute! all in all,i believe this phenomenon will be less and less in the future.let us work together to create a more harmonious society ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rules are made for people to follow, however, not to break them. when people cross roads, they might be in a rush for an appointment, so they neglect the rule of crossing the road when green light, as the picture is shown. from this picture we could also see that a horde of people are going across the road. th disadvantage for these points is that the car would not expect the people walking across the street while red light, and may even cause a big disaster. additionally, if a disaster really happens, a lad of people would be affected. so, from this picture we could learn that we must spot the right light to cross the road, and do not follow the ones who lead themselves to danger.
