超级礼物观后感?《超级礼物》观后感1 虽然我们只是普通人家,没有体验过豪门的冰冷和奢华,但看完这部电影还是非常有触动的,让我明白了什么是送给孩子真正的好礼物。我们小的时候,资源很匮乏,总觉得能吃饱穿暖就是最大的幸福了,那么,超级礼物观后感?一起来了解一下吧。


The plots revolved around discoveries in people's lives we can easily relate to, leading us to reflect on what values we hold dear. These films straddle the line tastefully, without overdoing pivotal moments in the story. They do a fine job of avoiding the pitfalls that could make them sappy.

This film deals with the universal quest for finding real happiness. In today's world, the pursuit of happiness for many is the chase for wealth, yet many rich people also find happiness alluding.

Red Stevens (Garner) is a billionaire who dies suddenly in a crash. Disturbingly, all of his descendants seem to be only concerned with what they might inherit from him, and as the wishes in his will are carried out, the family members barely receive anything.

Along comes his grandson Jason (Fuller), a spoiled trust fund baby who hopes to cash in on some inheritance. But Jason's grandfather had other ideas planned for him.

Jason is brought into the board room where a lone box rests on the table. Inside the box is a DVD with a special message from his grandfather who has set up a series of 12 gifts for him, leading up to the ultimate gift.

The gifts lead to a chain of events that will stretch Jason to his limits. Starting with digging holes for fence posts down on a large ranch in Texas, his journey takes him as far away as Ecuador, teaching him the value of work, real friends, family, true love, laughter, dreams, gratitude, giving, and the importance of using each day to its fullest.

These are things that Red Stevens could not teach his grandson in life. But with his passing, he offers him a chance to inherit the wealthiest of treasures, a sense of what really matters most in life.

Many surprises wait along the way in this tender story, with solid, heartfelt performances. It is touching to see this self-centered boy start to rearrange his priorities, and connect not only with other people, but himself.

This film is a rewarding treat that everyone should see.




The plots revolved around discoveries in people's lives we can easily relate to, leading us to reflect on what values we hold dear. These films straddle the line tastefully, without overdoing pivotal moments in the story. They do a fine job of avoiding the pitfalls that could make them sappy.

This film deals with the universal quest for finding real happiness. In today's world, the pursuit of happiness for many is the chase for wealth, yet many rich people also find happiness alluding.

Red Stevens (Garner) is a billionaire who dies suddenly in a crash. Disturbingly, all of his descendants seem to be only concerned with what they might inherit from him, and as the wishes in his will are carried out, the family members barely receive anything.

Along comes his grandson Jason (Fuller), a spoiled trust fund baby who hopes to cash in on some inheritance. But Jason's grandfather had other ideas planned for him.

Jason is brought into the board room where a lone box rests on the table. Inside the box is a DVD with a special message from his grandfather who has set up a series of 12 gifts for him, leading up to the ultimate gift.

The gifts lead to a chain of events that will stretch Jason to his limits. Starting with digging holes for fence posts down on a large ranch in Texas, his journey takes him as far away as Ecuador, teaching him the value of work, real friends, family, true love, laughter, dreams, gratitude, giving, and the importance of using each day to its fullest.

These are things that Red Stevens could not teach his grandson in life. But with his passing, he offers him a chance to inherit the wealthiest of treasures, a sense of what really matters most in life.

Many surprises wait along the way in this tender story, with solid, heartfelt performances. It is touching to see this self-centered boy start to rearrange his priorities, and connect not only with other people, but himself.

This film is a rewarding treat that everyone should see.


The Ultimate Gift is a story about a man (Howard 'Red' Stevens) who passes on, leaving a great deal of wealth to his family. His greedy family is not interested in the man, but only in the prospect of a large inheritance. Howard is wise to this, and though his will does distribute the wealth to his family, he puts many limiting factors in place that don't allow easy access to the money. The family is aggravated by the fact that they don't have instant access to Howards' wealth.

Jason (played by Drew Fuller) shows up - a young man who has never worked a day in his life - expecting to receive a check for a large sum of cash. Howard is well aware of Jason's character, and sends him on a journey across the world in search of love, friendship, adventure, and so much more. Initially, he is given a choice whether he would like to learn what the "ultimate gift" is all about, and though Jason is reluctant, that kind of offer is hard to pass up. Jason learns to appreciate working for a living, the wealth he has, finding true friends, and uncovering the mystery of his father's death in the process. The ultimate gift is becoming a man who has the character to spend his wealth wisely and prudently.

The Ultimate Gift isn't just a heartwarming, Hallmark moment flick. It's about the transformation of a man who was once hard, uncaring, and unmotivated except by his own security and wellbeing. I like the concept, and while it could have been approached with more eloquence and grace, the point gets across with great clarity. Life is rarely eloquent and graceful, and messiness comes with the territory. Wealth in the wrong hands only corrupts.



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以上就是超级礼物观后感的全部内容,《超级礼物》观后感1 最近看了一部很有好处的电影——《超级礼物》,它描述的故事虽然离我们生活有点远,那不是普通人能够有的经历,但它却映射出此刻年轻人的叛逆与迷茫,让人深思。它就是这样一部以特殊反映一般,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。