health habits英语作文?范文:As the time by,more and more people live without sports.And their heathy will be worse and worse.In my opinion,form a good habit to keep health is very important.随着时间的推移,那么,health habits英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。



As the time by,more and more people live without sports.And their heathy will be worse and worse.In my opinion,form a good habit to keep health is very important.


Firstly,I think in sports,you should do more exercises or run or even you can walk on the stairs in the morning.Second drink or eat in the same time,and eat anything what they can eat besides what you don't like.


health living英语作文初二

It is necessary to keep abalanced diet if you wantto keep healthy.You'dbetter eat enoughvegatables which containrich vitamin, proper meatis needed,too. Avoid friedor toasted food.It isimportant to do regularexercises, such asrunning or playingbadminton. Keeping highmood is good formentally health. Weshould renew our spiritsand release our stress,so that we can have agood attitude towardslife. To enjoy ourbeautiful life, we mustbe bound to keep healthy. 如果想保持健康,均衡的饮食很重要。你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素。适量的肉类也是需要的。



篇一:Unhealthy Lifestyle Leads to Sub-health

Nowadays, many people are living with sub-health due to their unhealthy lifestyles. Some individuals have long working hours, lack of exercise, and poor eating habits. As a result, they suffer from fatigue, insomnia, and obesity. It is crucial to make lifestyle changes to improve overall health and prevent serious illnesses in the future.




I like eating healthy. I don't like eating junk food. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. And I eat very little meat, because to much meat is no good to our health. I also drink plenty of water and seldom drink any soda or other sugary drinks. They bad for our teeth and health too. So, I am keeping myself very healthy and fit.



健康的生活方式英语作文 篇1

healthy life

There is a saying that health is better than wealth.It is very important for people to lead a healthy life because one cannot be happy if he is ill.

In order to lead a happy and healthy life,we should eat breakfast every morning,take in more vitamins and minerals and eat less fat and cholesterol.Secondly,we must get enough sleep because sleep is vital to good health.If we don’t have enough sleep,our memory,learning and logical reasoning will be negatively affected.Thirdly,it is most important for us to do exercises regularly.It can help control weight and maintain healthy bones,muscles and joints.Moreover,it also helps reduce risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

Bodily hygiene is also important.We should practice good dental hygiene by brushing our teeth every morning and at night.We should visit the dentist once a year to clean our teeth.

Last of all,we should take up a hobby because hobbies are enjoyable and relaxing activities.They help people live happier,healthier and recover better from illness.

In conclusion,if we are able to follow the above steps,we can lead a healthy life and ensure that we are free from illnesses.



以上就是health habits英语作文的全部内容,we must goto bed early and get up early.Want to keep fit,we must have healthy habits.学英语,写作是很重要的一部分,建议学员一定要打好词汇基础。点击蓝字领取免费欧美一对一外教试课:【免费领取,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。