

在费城,有这样一个人,你可曾知道,他的价值超越了一切,他是费城所有人的偶像;在费城,流传着费城市长的一句话:“在我们费城,你可以不知道我是谁,但是当一个孩子出生时,他知道的第一个人不是他(她)的父母,不是把他抱出来的护士,也不是我,而是我们费城最坚强的英雄---阿伦。艾弗森~!是的,在费城他已经做到家喻户晓~!”是的,他就是费城的英雄——阿伦。艾弗森! 从小,他就出生于费城的一户贫穷人家,他的母亲省吃俭用,拼命工作,用自己所有的心血供他生活,她希望自己的儿子能和其他孩子一样拥有幸福快乐的生活。



laddies and gentleman.

Please allow me to introduce a man,who is one of the greatest basketball players in the NBA.Fans all call him "The Answer",his name is Allen Iverson!!

Actually,I'm going to talk about his childhood and career,um,mainly of childhood.Like many afriican-american people in America,Iverson was born in single-parent family in Virginia when his mother Anne was only 15 years old——even younger than some of you.Anne had never gotten married.It means Iverson and his two sisiters can't get any reasonable right from the beginning.Iverson's father has no meaning in Iverson's life,he paid nothing for the Iverson's.The area they lived in was full of drags violence murder and rob.

The whole memory of Iverson's childhood may be only sewage and the smile of his mother.The dirty envoriment made Iverson's sisters ill most of the timeWhat they had to face is not having enough to eat and to wear but how to live.Anne had to work for more than 18 hours to keep the family.After many years when Iverson talked about his mother he said:"She'd done everything she could."

Many african-american basketball players in NBA have similar aperience,for whom the only way to escape from the hell is the talent that the God gave them.

We have to mention John Thonpsan---his coach in his college----George town college.He spent his the most brilliant time there.

In 1996, Iverson attended the NBA Draft .There was so many supper stars there in this NBA Draft

just like Marcus Camby,Steven Mabury,Steven Nash,Ray Allen,Antonie Walker,Paja, Jequin O'neal and Kobe Bryant.They all became All Star players after seasons.The first pick was Allen Iverson.He was and is still the shortest first pick in NBA history.

Iverson has spent 12 seasons in NBA.He has played for Pilidelphia 76ers and Denver Nuggets and now plays for Detroit Pistons.

Iverson has never given up any game.These are some opinions about Iverson.

"He is the young whom I want to spent money on."-----said Feer Jackson coach of Los-An Lakers

"As a player in NBA ,we should set up confidence like Iverson"--------said Micheal Jordan Bulls

"Nobody can make him stop "--------said Vince Carter star of New Jessey Nets

"The Answer is a unbelieveable and a talented player!"-------said Kavin Garrnet star of Bos Cel

Anyway,I think we can learn something from him.No matter what,just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true and you will achieve what you want to achieve.

This is all of my speech.Thank you. laddies和绅士。


People say that Iverson is among the greatest guards of his age and one of the best scorers(投篮手)in the history of NBA games.

A great example of someone who has grown,matured,and learned from his mistakes,Iverson has had to overe struggles and obstacles that most can only imagine

This is my life,who also don't expect me how to live."

Height,weight,1 meter 83 74.8 kilograms,four league all-star game,scoring,double finals MVP in NBA history,and have the most sub-field 40 players...Truly,let a person cannot put these together,but Allen iverson did,with this,he bee a hero to bee a classic,.The league for anyone not stopped him,or he will give you the game again "answer" -- in his steps to show you.Why would he have courage,with his thin body,the impact of the people inside; alliance?Again he tell you "answer" is very concise,"basketball and true height,the key is in your heart,how tall you are."

Allen Ezail Iverson (born June 7,1975,in Hampton,Virginia)[1] is an American professional basketball player for the Detroit Pistons of the National Basketball Association.As the first pick in the 1996 NBA Draft for the Philadelphia 76ers,Iverson became one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history,despite his *** all (6'0") stature.His career scoring average of 27.1 points per game is fifth all-time.Iverson was also the 2000–2001 NBA Most Valuable Player and lead the 76ers to the NBA Finals that post-season.

Often,I'll be in this thinking:will there be one day,little iverson again in the finals opponent to the floor,even get championship?Those touching screen and once again follow - after the fall,and climb up,The blood flow with shirt is wiped dry.Quiet,it seems that I heard that a brave heart pounding,at the same time,and then a touching,another of the brave tremor declaration:

"Basketball and true height,the key is in your heart," this is my life,who also don't expect me how to live."

Allen Ezail Iverson,the forever hero in my heart.


作文标题: 阿伦.艾弗森

关键词: 小学五年级 600字



作文来源: https://zW.liuxue86.com



A1的童年是不幸的,他出生在弗吉尼亚的黑人单亲家庭,比他仅年长15岁的母亲是生活中唯一的依靠。少年时期家境的贫寒与生活的艰苦为他今后的成长定下了基调,也铸就了他钢铁般的意志和倔强的性格。他也是一个重情重义之人,为了朋友他能够两肋插刀;为了亲人他甚至不惜倾家荡产;为了自己心爱的女人他可以献出生命,只要需要,他何曾皱过一次眉头?他出身卑微,历经坎坷,完全是靠他过人的意志和坚定的信念,最终才成为在球场上一呼百应的人,我最佩服他的也就是这一点。来自:作文大全他的人生格言是: 没有人能够让我停下来,除了我自己!



My favorite sports player is Allen Iverson.Iverson, he is a legend in national basketball association. In 1996, he was accepted by the Team 76ers with the identification of the very best player. Since then, he started his fantasy life as the shortest but the most excellent shooting guard.Iverson is only 183centimeters high. However, he has broken lots of records and harvested many honors. His defense penetration ability is unique in the association. And these are the honors he got.Though Iverson’s performance in the game was brilliant, his career was not very successful. He worked in 76ers for his greatest 10 years and became the leader of the team. But he was later transferred to Detroit Pistons、Denver Nuggets and Memphis Grizzlies in the next four years. Last regular season, not satisfied with his alternate role, Iverson announced his retirement in 2010.Iverson is a great basketball player definitely, but what attracts me most is his diligence and sincerity. He once said: I play every game as if it is my last. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。
